Books in Tragedies
ErechtheusA Tragedy (New Edition)
Ancient Athens king sacrifices daughter for city's victory against Eleusis
Tragedies   812 reading
The Inflexible Captive: A Tragedy, in Five Acts
18th-century play exploring themes of patriotism, virtue, and familial duty
Tragedies   803 reading
Anathema: A Tragedy in Seven Scenes
Exploration of human conflicts and resolutions through dramatic narrative poetry
Tragedies   787 reading
Cato: A Tragedy, in Five Acts
Tragic play about stoic Cato's stand against Julius Caesar in Utica
Tragedies   659 reading
Ponteach; Or, The Savages of America
A Native American chief seeks revenge.
Tragedies   652 reading
A dramatic retelling of ancient British legends through poetic dialogue
Tragedies   618 reading
Arden of Feversham
Elizabethan tragedy about a fatal domestic conspiracy against a wealthy husband
Tragedies   513 reading
Bussy D'Ambois and The Revenge of Bussy D'Ambois
Tale of honor, revenge, and tragic hubris in French court society
Tragedies   490 reading
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