Books in History & war
A Cold Night for Crying
A detective investigates a puzzling and deadly case on a frigid night
Science fiction
3.5K reading
Through the Asteroids—To Hell!
Space adventurers navigate deadly asteroids to uncover hellish secrets
History & war
3.5K reading
Out of the Dark Nebula
A quest to save humanity leads to a mysterious dark nebula
History & war
3.4K reading
The foxholes of Mars
Soldiers confronting alien threats and personal demons on Martian terrain
Science fiction
3.4K reading
Lorna Doone: A Romance of Exmoor
Love, vendettas, and justice in 17th-century England
Love Story
3.3K reading
Black Beauty
Autobiography of a horse, emphasizing kindness towards animals
History & war
3.3K reading
The Starbusters
A group of misfits unites to save the universe from darkness
History & war
3.3K reading
The Highest Treason
Dissenting military genius betrays Earth to challenge tyrannical human government
Science fiction
3.2K reading
The Luckiest Man in Denv
Thriving businessman survives multiple near-death experiences
Science fiction
3.2K reading
Sally Scott of the WAVES
Young woman serves in Navy's WAVES during World War II, finding adventure and growth
History & war
3.2K reading
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