Books in Love Story
Master and Maid
Power dynamics explored through a nuanced employer-servant relationship
Love Story   176.4K reading
The Girl in the Mirror
Identical twins, inheritance, and deception on a yacht voyage
Love Story   139.3K reading
An English teacher navigates love and identity in a foreign land
Love Story   135.1K reading
Where There's a Will
Legal battles and family drama unfold after a billionaire's death
Love Story   125.1K reading
A detailed portrayal of provincial life exploring marriage, society, and politics
Love Story   102.0K reading
A Chain of Evidence
A detective solves a mysterious murder involving a locked room scenario
Love Story   96.5K reading
Anne navigates love, societal pressures, and second chances
Love Story   86.6K reading
The Man Between: An International Romance
Espionage and romance entwine in Cold War Europe
Love Story   81.2K reading
The Postmaster
Young postmaster forms bond with orphan girl in rural Bengal, faces loneliness
Love Story   74.4K reading
His Unknown Wife
A gripping tale of love, deception, and unexpected revelations
Love Story   71.2K reading
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