Books in Science fiction
Quest of the Golden Ape
Man time-travels to save Earth, battles for mythical power source
Science fiction   145.5K reading
The Space Between
Exploring the complexities of love and human connections
Science fiction   143.9K reading
I'll dream of you
A heartfelt tale of longing and the pursuit of true love
Science fiction   141.6K reading
The Inquisitor
A gripping thriller exploring the dark truths beneath a murder investigation
Science fiction   139.7K reading
The Pit of Nympthons
Young warriors navigate mystical challenges to save their world
Love Story   138.7K reading
Exploring human interaction and the exchange of information
Science fiction   137.6K reading
The colour out of space
Alien entity contaminates farm, causing decay and madness
Science fiction   135.5K reading
The man who liked lions
London lawyer uncovers murderous cult with ancient Roman ties
Science fiction   133.6K reading
A young tribesman transforms into a fierce Space Marine in a futuristic galaxy war
Love Story   132.0K reading
This World Is Taboo
Survival on a taboo planet challenges a medical team's ethics
Science fiction   130.0K reading
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