Books in Science fiction
Dark Windows
Supernatural forces disrupt Johannesburg's political future through magical activism
2.3K reading
Color Blind
Examining racism's impact on society and advocating for equality
Love Story
2.3K reading
Never Trust a Thief!
An exciting journey exploring the redemption of a notorious criminal
Science fiction
2.3K reading
Corpus earthling
A sci-fi novel exploring alien invasion and human resistance
Love Story
2.3K reading
Hero From Yesterday
Man travels back in time to prevent a catastrophic future
Science fiction
2.3K reading
Woman's World
A novel crafted using magazine clippings to explore gender roles
Science fiction
2.3K reading
The Mercenaries
Group of soldiers-for-hire involved in African civil unrest and political intrigue
Science fiction
2.3K reading
All cats are gray
In darkness, a space adventurer learns appearances can deceive
Science fiction
2.3K reading
Turning Point
Exploring pivotal moments in history that shaped today's world
Science fiction
2.3K reading
The Invisible Man: A Grotesque Romance
A scientist discovers invisibility but faces tragic social isolation
Science fiction
2.3K reading
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