Books in Science fiction
And Then the Town Took Off
A floating Ohio town navigates Cold War politics and personal dynamics
Science fiction
1.8K reading
The Untouchable
A gripping tale of a British spy's exposure and downfall
Short stories
1.8K reading
The Golden Amazons of Venus
Group of women on Venus fight for survival and justice
Science fiction
1.8K reading
The show must go on
Theater troupe overcomes adversity to keep performing
Science fiction
1.8K reading
Star Ship
Space exploration and survival in a technologically advanced spacecraft
Science fiction
1.8K reading
Address: Centauri
Alien contact reveals complex interstellar society's dynamics
Science fiction
1.8K reading
The Mind Digger
Exploring the depths of human psyche and untapped mental powers
1.8K reading
Appointment In Tomorrow
Futuristic America dominated by McCarthyism-inspired witch-hunt for thought criminals
Science fiction
1.8K reading
And there was light
Autobiography of Jacques Lusseyran, blind French Resistance leader during WWII
Science fiction
1.8K reading
Pick a Crime
Struggling detective unravels mystery amidst personal and professional challenges
Science fiction
1.7K reading
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