loved, love anew! Jussit Hyblæis tribunal stare diva floribus; Præses ipsa jura dicit, adsederunt Gratiæ. Hybla, totos funde floras quidquid annus adtulit; 50 Hybla, florum rumpe vestem quantus Ætnæ campus est. Ruris hic erunt puellæ, vel puellæ montium, Quæque silvas, quæque lucos, quæque fontes incolunt: Jussit omnes adsidere mater alitis dei, Jussit et nudo puellas nil Amori credere. 55 Cras amet qui nunquam amavit; quique amavit cras amet. She has set up her court, has Our Lady, in Hybla, and deckt it with blooms:— With the Graces at hand for assessors Dione dispenses her dooms. Now burgeon, O Hybla! put forth and abound, till 50 Proserpina's field, To the foison thy lap overflowing its laurel of Sicily yield. Call, assemble the nymphs—hamadryad and dryad— the echoes who court From the rock, who the rushes inhabit, in ripples who swim and disport. "I admonish you maids—I, his mother, who suckled the scamp ere he flew— An ye trust to the Boy flying naked, some pestilent 55 prank ye shall rue." Now learn ye to love who loved never—now ye who have loved, love anew! and deckt it with blooms:— her dooms. Proserpina's field, yield. the echoes who court who swim and disport. the scamp ere he flew— prank ye shall rue." loved, love anew! Et rigentibus virentes ducit umbras floribus: Cras erit quum primus Æther copulavit nuptias, Et pater totum creavit vernis annum nubibus, In sinum maritus imber fluxit almæ conjugis, 60 Unde fetus mixtus omnes aleret magno corpore. Ipsa venas atque mentem permeanti spiritu Intus occultis gubernat procreatrix viribus, Perque coelum, perque terras, perque pontum subditum Pervium sui tenorem seminali tramite 65 subditum