Tamburlaine the Great — Part 1

       60 (return) [ renowmed] See note ||, p. 11.[i.e. note 52.]—So the 8vo. —The 4to "renowned."]     


       61 (return) [ statues] So the 4to.—"The first edition reads 'statutes,' but, as the Scythians worshipped Pylades and Orestes in temples, we have adopted the reading of the quarto as being most probably the correct one." Ed. 1826.]     


       62 (return) [ kings] So the 8vo.—The 4to "king."]     


       63 (return) [ Nor thee nor them] The modern editors silently print "Nor THEY nor THEIRS."]     


       64 (return) [ will] So the 8vo.—Omitted in the 4to.]     


       65 (return) [ pitch] Is generally equivalent to—stature. ("I would have you tell me what PITCH he was of, Velim mihi dicas qua STATURA fuerit." Coles's DICT.) But here it means the highest part of the body,—the shoulders (see the 10th sign. of PITCH in Halliwell's DICT. OF ARCH. AND PROV. WORDS),—the "pearl"       being, of course, his head.]     


       66 (return) [ and] So the 4to.—The 8vo "with."]     


       67 (return) [ His arms and fingers long and sinewy] So the 8vo, except that, by a misprint, it has "snowy" for       "sinewy."—The 4to gives the line thus,—     

    "His armes long, HIS fingers SNOWY-WHITE."!! 

       (and so the line used to stand in Lamb's SPEC. OF DRAM. POETS, till I made the necessary alteration in Mr. Moxon's recent ed. of that selection.)]     


       68 (return) [ subdu'd] So the 8vo.—The 4to "subdue."]     

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