The Lions of the Lord: A Tale of the Old West
oath, do you?” 

 “Yes, yes, Brother Seth. I was ready for it this morning when they told me about father.” 

 “Hold up your right hand and repeat after me: 

 “‘In the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, I do covenant and agree to support the first Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in all things right or wrong; I will faithfully guard them and report to them the acts of all men as far as in my power lies; I will assist in executing all the decrees of the first President, Patriarch, or President of the Twelve, and I will cause all who speak evil of the Presidency or Heads of the Church to die the death of dissenters or apostates, unless they speedily confess and repent, for pestilence, persecution, and death shall follow the enemies of Zion. I will be a swift herald of salvation and messenger of peace to the Saints, and I will never make known the secret purposes of this Society called the Sons of Dan, my life being the forfeiture in a fire of burning tar and brimstone. So help me God and keep me steadfast.’” 

 He repeated the words without hesitation, with fervour in his voice, and the light of a holy and implacable zeal in his face. 

 “Now I’ll give you the blessing, too. Wait till I get my bottle of oil.” 

 He stepped to the nearest wagon, felt under the cover, and came back with a small bottle in his hand. 

 “Stand jest here—so—now!” 

 They stood at the edge of the wavering firelight, and he put his hand on the other’s head. 

 “‘In the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and by the authority of the Holy Priesthood, the first President, Patriarch, and High Priest of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, representing the first, second, and third Gods in Heaven, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, I do now anoint you with holy consecrated oil, and by the imposition of my hands do ordain and set you apart for the holy calling whereunto you are called; that you may consecrate the riches of the Gentiles to the House of Israel, bring swift destruction upon apostate sinners, and execute the decrees of Heaven without fear of what man can do with you. So mote it be. Amen.’ 

 “There, boy, if I ain’t mistaken, that’s the best work for Zion that I done for some time. Now be off to your rest!” 

 “Good night, Bishop, and thank 
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