By him is made the sword, the spear, the shaft, By Man worn to defend him against Man. Most bless'd the country where kind Nature's face In unsophisticated Freedom smiles: Happy the tenants of primeval days When young society is in it's spring: Where there is room and food for millions more, Love knows no check, the votaries of Love, The happy votaries of Wedded Love, Know not the curse of peopled, polish'd, times: The curse to wish their children may be few. Sweet converse binds the cords of social love; When the rude noise and gestures that ere while Imperfectly express'd the labouring thought; By social concourse are improv'd to Speech: Speech, reasoning Man's distinguishing perfection; Speech, the inestimable vehicle Of mental light, and intellectual bliss; Whence the fair fruits of Holy Friendship grow, Presenting to fond Hope's enamour'd sight