Night WatchesComplete Series
“'I know,' she ses, in a low voice. 'But I don't want any guard—only you. I don't like guards that peep down skylights.'

“'I know,' she ses, in a low voice. 'But I don't want any guard—only you. I don't like guards that peep down skylights.'

“I looked up just in time to see Joe's 'ead disappear. Then I nipped up, and arter I 'ad told 'im part of wot I thought about 'im I gave 'im the letter and told 'im to sheer off.

“I looked up just in time to see Joe's 'ead disappear. Then I nipped up, and arter I 'ad told 'im part of wot I thought about 'im I gave 'im the letter and told 'im to sheer off.

“'The skipper told me to stay 'ere,' he ses, looking obstinate.

“'The skipper told me to stay 'ere,' he ses, looking obstinate.

“'You do as you're told,' I ses. 'I'm in charge, and I take full responsibility. I shall lock the gate arter you. Wot are you worrying about?'

“'You do as you're told,' I ses. 'I'm in charge, and I take full responsibility. I shall lock the gate arter you. Wot are you worrying about?'

“'And here's a shilling, Joe, for a bus fare,' ses the gal, smiling. 'You can keep the change.'

“'And here's a shilling, Joe, for a bus fare,' ses the gal, smiling. 'You can keep the change.'

“Joe took off 'is cap and scratched 'is silly bald 'ead.

“Joe took off 'is cap and scratched 'is silly bald 'ead.

“'Come on,' I ses; 'it's a letter to a dressmaker. A letter that must go to-night.'

“'Come on,' I ses; 'it's a letter to a dressmaker. A letter that must go to-night.'

“'Else it's no use,' ses the gal. 'You don't know 'ow important it is.'

“'Else it's no use,' ses the gal. 'You don't know 'ow important it is.'

“'All right,' ses Joe. ''Ave it your own way. So long as you don't tell the skipper I don't mind. If anything 'appens you'll catch it too, Bill.'

“'All right,' ses Joe. ''Ave it your own way. So long as you don't tell the skipper I don't mind. If anything 'appens you'll catch it 
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