The Penalty
She was gone. The man resumed his work. The boy watched.



"Was I right?"




 Harry, the workman, ... rose to his feet, and turned to Barbara with a certain quiet eagerness.


"A wonder--or not?"

"A wonder."



"You won't leave Blizzard up to me all alone, will you? Not now, you won't?"

"No, Bubbles, not now. Whenever he's posing in this room, you and I won't be far off."

"Because," said Bubbles, smiling with relief, "I'd do my best, but if it came to a show-down with him there ain't a thing I could do."

"One time or another," said Harry, "we'll get him. You and I will."

"I betcher," said Bubbles.

And in his little peaked face there was much that was threatening to the ultimate welfare of the legless beggar.


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