Modern Masterpieces of Short Prose Fiction, Waite and Taylor, D. Appleton & Co. The Short-Story, Brander Matthews, American Book Co. Writing the Short-Story, Esenwein, Hinds, Noble & Eldredge. A Study of the Short-Story in English, Henry Seidel Canby, Henry Holt & Co. COLLECTIONS OF SHORT-STORIES: American Short-Stories, Charles S. Baldwin, Longmans, Green, & Co. Great Short-Stories, 3 vols., William Patten, P.F. Collier & Son. Little French Masterpieces, 6 vols. Alexander Jessup, G.P. Putnam's Sons. Short-Story Classics (American), 5 vols., William Patten, P.F. Collier & Son. Short-Story Classics (Foreign), 5 vols., William Patten, P.F. Collier & Son. Stories by American Authors, 10 vols., Charles Scribner's Sons. Stories by English Authors, 10 vols., Charles Scribner's Sons. Stories by Foreign Authors, 10 vols., Charles Scribner's Sons. Stories New and Old (American and English), Hamilton W. Mabie, The Macmillan Co. World's Greatest Short-Stories, Sherwin Cody, A.C. McClurg & Co. The American Short-Story, Elias Lieberman. THE FATHER[1] By Björnstjerne Björnson (1838-1910)