A collection of short-stories
services, and was coming out of a side door, with three aged women who had formed the week-day congregation. He was a young man of a kind disposition, and very anxious to do good to the people of the town. Apart from his duties in the church, where he conducted services every week-day, he visited the sick and the poor, counseled and assisted persons who were in trouble, and taught a school composed entirely of the bad children in the town with whom nobody else would have anything to do. Whenever the people wanted something difficult done for them, they always went to the Minor Canon. Thus it was that the laborer thought of the young priest when he found that some one must come and speak to the Griffin. 

 The Minor Canon had not heard of the strange event, which was known to the whole town except himself and the three old women, and when he was informed of it, and was told that the Griffin had asked to see him, he was greatly amazed, and frightened. 

 "Me!" he exclaimed. "He has never heard of me! What should he want with me?" 

 "Oh! you must go instantly!" cried the two men. 

 "He is very angry now because he has been kept waiting so long; and nobody knows what may happen if you don't hurry to him." 

 The poor Minor Canon would rather have had his hand cut off than go out to meet an angry griffin; but he felt that it was his duty to go, or it would be a woeful thing if injury should come to the people of the town because he was not brave enough to obey the summons of the Griffin. 

 So, pale and frightened, he started off. 

 "Well," said the Griffin, as soon as the young man came near, "I am glad to see that there is some one who has the courage to come to me." 

 The Minor Canon did not feel very courageous, but he bowed his head. 

 "Is this the town," said the Griffin, "where there is a church with a likeness of myself over one of the doors?" 

 The Minor Canon looked at the frightful creature before him and saw that it was, without doubt, exactly like the stone image on the church. "Yes," he said, "you are right." 

 "Well, then," said the Griffin, "will you take me to it? I wish very much to see it." 

 The Minor Canon instantly thought that if the Griffin entered the town without 
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