assure, For any problem threatening us For sure there is a cure! I will stop this silly little flood. Upon the great man you can rely. The ground may be covered in mud But, somewhere, must a solution lie! In his office the great man sat Staring at the water on the floor. He knew not how to deal with that, But he knew there would be more. Desperately trying to think of a plan He repeatedly read the plaque on the wall, Here is a Great Man He will save us all!The sparkling water had a sense of beauty As it reflected in the plaque. A painful reminder of his duty, A leader must never slack. So, eagerly, he donned his heavy boots, And ventured forth for a walk Through a series of muddy routes, For to the people he must talk. The great man noticed one man solitary As he trekked a turbid trail. To the woods with buckets he did carry In a struggling effort his home to bail. Though his face he could not see, He knew that this man to be clever and brave. He could not dwell on who it could be For the great man had a town to save. He thought of the people as his duty required To give them this instruction. By this sight he was inspired To save the town from destruction. Together we must pull! This I must accent! So each man scooped a bucket full And into the woods with the water they went. Soon this method had no effect. The water continued to rise.