Trees bend and snap and sway, They race and break on this dark day. If I could fashion some sturdy hoods To hold the storm at bay, Then trim and straight would all trees stay. But great trees knotted by winds' moods —Like men who face their care— Stand scarred yet staunch and bravely there. THE PRESS OF FLOZARI COLOPHON This is number 107 of the Torchbearers' Chapbooks, printed by hand at the Pegasus Studio, from hand-set 10 point Century on Eggshell paper, in an edition of 110 copies and the type distributed. Copies may be secured from the author, at 75¢ each, postpaid Clara M. Beede, 146-1/2 North College, Tulsa 4, Okla. Copies may be secured from the author, at 75¢ each, postpaid Clara M. Beede, 146-1/2 North College, Tulsa 4, Okla.