Dan diddle dan. TROMPART. The can stands full of nappy ale: ALL. Dan, dan, dan, dan. STRUMBO. In our shop still withouten fail: ALL. Dan diddle dan. DOROTHY. This is our meat, this is our food: ALL. Dan, dan, dan, dan. TROMPART. This brings us to a merry mood: ALL. Dan diddle dan. STRUMBO. This makes us work for company: ALL. Dan, dan, dan, dan. DOROTHY. To pull the tankards cheerfully: ALL. Dan diddle dan. TROMPART. Drink to thy husband, Dorothy, ALL. Dan, dan, dan, dan. DOROTHY. Why, then, my Strumbo, there’s to thee: ALL. Dan diddle dan. STRUMBO. Drink thou the rest, Trompart, amain: ALL. Dan, dan, dan, dan. DOROTHY. When that is gone, we’ll fill’t again: ALL.