In the first two examples there is no stress-shift. In the third, the stress travels from the o of Ahora to the initial a. In the following example ahora has three syllables: Será más tarde que ahora (8) The rule regarding syneresis under stress is that it is allowable, with or without resulting stress-shift, except when the combinations éa, éo, óa, are involved. Espronceda violates the rule in this instance: Veame en vuestros brazos y máteme luego (12) This is a peculiarly violent and harsh syneresis. The stress shifts from the first e to the a, giving a pronunciation very different from that of the usual véame. Such a syneresis is more pardonable at the beginning of a verse than in any other position; but good modern poets strive to avoid such harshnesses. Espronceda sometimes makes río monosyllabic: Los rios su curso natural reprimen (11) In the poetry of the Middle Ages and Renaissance such pronunciations as teniá for tenía are common. DIERESIS Dieresis is the breaking up of vowel-combinations in such a way as to form an additional syllable in the word. It is the opposite of syneresis. Dieresis never occurs in the case of the diphthongs ie and ue derived from Latin (e), and (o), in words like tierra, bueno, etc. Uá and uó are regularly dissyllabic except after c, g, and j. Examples: Y en su blanca luz süave (8) En la playa un adüar (8) En vez de desafïaros (8) Compañero eterno su dolor crüel (12) Grandïosa, satánica figura (11) El carïado, lívido esqueleto (11) La Luna en el mar rïela (8) Cólera, impetuoso torbellino (11) Horas de confianza y de delicias (11)