Changes my life in a minute of space? When I first notic'd the power in his eyes— Watching to see if they praise or condemn, Blushing to meet them—came into the skies Beauty that never has vanish'd from them. When I first stopp'd in the midst of my mirth, While my heart beat in a tremulous way Only to see him,—came over the earth, Glory that earth has retain'd to this day. [pg 15] When the first whisper assaulted my ear, When the first pressure astonish'd my hand, When I first fancied that I might be dear— Life was a miracle joyous and grand. When he first woo'd me with prayers, for his own, Suddenly came an eclipse of the light: Sighing, I wish'd he would let me alone; Smiling, I long'd to hide out of his sight. Life being lit by a fairy-like gleam, Sparkling and glittering, tender and pure,