Flower Fables
here for us,” said they; “let us bear it to our Queen; it is so fresh and fragrant it will be a fit gift for her”; and they joyfully took it in, little dreaming who had placed it there. 

 So each day Thistle filled a flower-cup, and laid it at the door; and each day the bees wondered more and more, for many strange things happened. The field-flowers told of the good spirit who watched above them, and the birds sang of the same kind little Elf bringing soft moss for their nests, and food for their hungry young ones; while all around the hive had grown fairer since the Fairy came. 

 But the bees never saw him, for he feared he had not yet done enough to win their forgiveness and friendship; so he lived alone among the vines, daily bringing them honey, and doing some kindly action. 

 At length, as he lay sleeping in a flower-bell, a little bee came wandering by, and knew him for the wicked Thistle; so he called his friends, and, as they flew murmuring around him, he awoke. 

 “What shall we do to you, naughty Elf?” said they. “You are in our power, and we will sting you if you are not still.” 

 “Let us close the flower-leaves around him and leave him here to starve,” cried one, who had not yet forgotten all the sorrow Thistle had caused them long ago. 

 “No, no, that were very cruel, dear Buzz,” said little Hum; “let us take him to our Queen, and she will tell us how to show our anger for the wicked deeds he did. See how bitterly he weeps; be kind to him, he will not harm us more.” 

 “You good little Hum!” cried a kind-hearted robin who had hopped near to listen to the bees. “Dear friends, do you not know that this is the good Fairy who has dwelt so quietly among us, watching over bird and blossom, giving joy to all he helps? It is HE who brings the honey-cup each day to you, and then goes silently away, that you may never know who works so faithfully for you. Be kind to him, for if he has done wrong, he has repented of it, as you may see.” 

 “Can this be naughty Thistle?” said Nimble-Wing. 

 “Yes, it is I,” said Thistle, “but no longer cruel and unkind. I have tried to win your love by patient industry. Ah, trust me now, and you shall see I am not naughty Thistle any more.” 

 Then the wondering bees led him to their Queen, and when he had told his tale, and begged their 
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