Flower Fables
 “One more trial, Thistle, and she will awake. Go bravely forth and win your last and hardest gift.” 

 Then with a light heart Thistle journeyed away to the brooks and rivers, seeking the Water Spirits. But he looked in vain; till, wandering through the forest where the Brownies took him captive, he stopped beside the quiet lake. 

 As he stood here he heard a sound of pain, and, looking in the tall grass at his side, he saw the dragon-fly whose kindness he once repayed by pain and sorrow, and who now lay suffering and alone. 

 Thistle bent tenderly beside him, saying, “Dear Flutter, do not fear me. I will gladly ease your pain, if you will let me; I am your friend, and long to show you how I grieve for all the wrong I did you, when you were so kind to me. Forgive, and let me help and comfort you.” 

 Then he bound up the broken wing, and spoke so tenderly that Flutter doubted him no longer, and was his friend again. 

 Day by day did Thistle watch beside him, making little beds of cool, fresh moss for him to rest upon, fanning him when he slept, and singing sweet songs to cheer him when awake. And often when poor Flutter longed to be dancing once again over the blue waves, the Fairy bore him in his arms to the lake, and on a broad leaf, with a green flag for a sail, they floated on the still water; while the dragon-fly’s companions flew about them, playing merry games. 

 At length the broken wing was well, and Thistle said he must again seek the Water Spirits. “I can tell you where to find them,” said Flutter; “you must follow yonder little brook, and it will lead you to the sea, where the Spirits dwell. I would gladly do more for you, dear Thistle, but I cannot, for they live deep beneath the waves. You will find some kind friend to aid you on your way; and so farewell.” 

 Thistle followed the little brook, as it flowed through field and valley, growing ever larger, till it reached the sea. Here the wind blew freshly, and the great waves rolled and broke at Thistle’s feet, as he stood upon the shore, watching the billows dancing and sparkling in the sun. 

 “How shall I find the Spirits in this great sea, with none to help or guide me? Yet it is my last task, and for Lily-Bell’s sake I must not fear or falter now,” said Thistle. So he flew hither and thither over the sea, looking through the waves. Soon he saw, far below, the branches of the coral tree. 

 “They must 
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