Flower Fables
went the Spirits; and then forth sprang little Sparkle, waving a golden flower, whose silvery music filled the air. “Dear Thistle,” said the shining Spirit, “what you toiled so faithfully to win for another, let us offer now as a token of our love for you.” 

 As she ceased, down through the air came floating bands of lovely Air Spirits, bringing a shining robe, and they too told their love for the gentle Fairy who had dwelt with them. 

 Then softly on the breeze came distant music, growing ever nearer, till over the rippling waves came the singing Water Spirits, in their boats of many-colored shells; and as they placed their glittering crown on Thistle’s head, loud rang the flowers, and joyously sang the birds, while all the Forest Fairies cried, with silvery voices, “Lily-Bell and Thistledown! Long live our King and Queen!” 

 “Have you a tale for us too, dear Violet-Eye?” said the Queen, as Zephyr ceased. The little Elf thus named looked from among the flower-leaves where she sat, and with a smile replied, “As I was weaving garlands in the field, I heard a primrose tell this tale to her friend Golden-Rod.” 



 In a great forest, high up among the green boughs, lived Bird Brown-Breast, and his bright-eyed little mate. They were now very happy; their home was done, the four blue eggs lay in the soft nest, and the little wife sat still and patient on them, while the husband sang, and told her charming tales, and brought her sweet berries and little worms. 

 Things went smoothly on, till one day she found in the nest a little white egg, with a golden band about it. 

 “My friend,” cried she, “come and see! Where can this fine egg have come from? My four are here, and this also; what think you of it?” 

 The husband shook his head gravely, and said, “Be not alarmed, my love; it is doubtless some good Fairy who has given us this, and we shall find some gift within; do not let us touch it, but do you sit carefully upon it, and we shall see in time what has been sent us.” 

 So they said nothing about it, and soon their home had four little chirping children; and then the white egg opened, and, behold, a little maiden lay singing within. Then how amazed were they, and how they welcomed her, as she lay warm beneath the mother’s wing, and how the young birds did love her. 

 Great joy was in the forest, 
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