Studies in Song
Waxed in his spiritual eyeshot, and his tongue

Spake as his soul bore witness, that descried,

Like those twin towering lights in darkness hung,

Homer, and grey Laertes at his side

Kingly as kings are none

Beneath a later sun,

And the sweet maiden ministering in pride

To sovereign and to sage

In their more sweet old age:

These things he sang, himself as old, and died.

And if death be not, if life be,

As Homer and as Milton are in heaven is he.


Poet whose large-eyed loyalty of love

Was pure toward all high poets, all their kind

And all bright words and all sweet works thereof;

Strong like the sun, and like the sunlight kind;

Heart that no fear but every grief might move

Wherewith men's hearts were bound of powers that bind;

The purest soul that ever proof could prove

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