A Charmed Life
cried Chesterton laughing, “that you won’t even see the dust. There’s a transport starts from Mayaguez at six to-morrow morning, and, if I don’t catch it, this pony will die on the wharf.”      

       “The road to Mayaguez is not healthy for Americans,” said the general in command. “I don’t think I ought to let you go. The enemy does not know peace is on yet, and there are a lot of guerillas—”      

       Chesterton shook his head in pitying wonder.     

       “Not let me go!” he exclaimed. “Why, General, you haven’t enough men in your command to stop me, and as for the Spaniards and guerillas—! I’m homesick,” cried the young man. “I’m so damned homesick that I am liable to die of it before the transport gets me to Sandy Hook.”      

       “If you are shot up by an outpost,” growled the general, “you will be worse off than homesick. It’s forty miles to Mayaguez. Better wait till daylight. Where’s the sense of dying, after the fighting’s over?”      

       “If I don’t catch that transport I sure WILL die,” laughed Chesterton. His head was bent and he was tugging at his saddle girths. Apparently the effort brought a deeper shadow to his tan, “but nothing else can kill me! I have a charm, General,” he exclaimed.     

       “We hadn’t noticed it,” said the general.     

       The staff officers, according to regulations, laughed.     

       “It’s not that kind of a charm,” said Chesterton. “Good-by, General.”      

       The road was hardly more than a trail, but the moon made it as light as day, and cast across it black tracings of the swinging vines and creepers; while high in the air it turned the polished surface of the palms into glittering silver. As he plunged into the cool depths of the forest Chesterton threw up his arms and thanked God that he was moving toward her. The luck that had accompanied him throughout the campaign had held until the end. Had he been forced to wait for a transport, each hour would have meant a month of torment, an arid, wasted place in his life. As it was, with each eager stride of El Capitan, his little Porto Rican pony, he was brought closer to her. He was so happy that as he galloped through the dark shadows of the jungle or out into the 
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