"Of course I did! What else could I say after you had told the enemy just how to proceed. You could not have expected any other answer." "I suppose I was very stupid; but I hope no harm has been done, for they have not got the steamer yet," added Sampson, very much disconcerted at the blunder he had made, though an older officer than Christy might have had more charity for the ship-keeper. Seen in broad daylight, there was no striking resemblance between Corny and Christy, though they were of about the same size, and had some traits in common. As Corny and his companions came in the Florence, it was not very strange that Sampson should take it for granted that Christy was one of the evening visitors. The voices of the two cousins were not unlike, and the sound was all he had to guide his judgment. Then he was not in the enemy's country, and he could hardly have been on the lookout for an enemy several miles up the river. "Certainly no harm has been done, Sampson; 83 but it is yet to be decided whether or not the Bellevite is to go into the navy of the United States or the navy of the Confederate States," added Christy, leaving the engine-room. 83 "If we have snuffed the whole thing, I don't believe this steamer will ever wear anything but the Stars and Stripes," said Sampson stoutly; and there could be no doubt in regard to his loyalty, judging from his speech, though that is not always to be trusted in time of war. "Bellevite, ahoy!" shouted some one at the foot of the accommodation steps. "Have they come again so soon?" asked Sampson, as he rushed to the rail. "It is only a small canoe." "Is Christy on board?" called the visitor alongside. "That is Mr. Vapoor: tell him I am on board," added Christy. "Christy is on board, sir," replied Sampson to the hail. "Will you come on board, sir?" Paul Vapoor would and did come on board, and Christy gave him a hearty welcome, for he was more glad to see him than he had ever been before in his life. 84 "Where have you been all day and all the evening, Christy?" asked the engineer. "Your mother and sister are very much worried about you, for they have not seen you for a long time, and they fear that something has happened to you."