A Woman's Love Letters
O Man to whom my heart hast leaned, dost know

Aught of my life? Sometimes a strong despair

Enters my soul and finds a lodging there;

Thou dost not know me, and the years will go

As these last months have gone, and I shall be

Still far, still a strange woman unto thee.

[PgĀ 21]

I do not blame thee. If there is a fault

Let it be mine, for surely had I tried

The door of my heart's home to open wide

No need had been for even Love's assault.

And yet, methinks, somewhere there is a key

Thou mightest have found, and entered happily.

I am no saint niched in a hallowed wall

For men to worship, but I would compel

A level gaze. You teachers who would tell

A woman's place I do defy you all!

While justice lives, and love with joy is crowned

Woman and man must meet on equal ground.

The deepest wrong is falsehood. She who sells

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