A Woman's Love Letters
Bends, tremblingly, but for a moment's space

It needs no words that cry, no limbs that kneel.

As meteors flash, so, in a moment's light,

Life, darting forth, touches the Infinite.

All my prayers wordless? Nay, I can recall

A night not so long past but that each thought

[PgĀ 51]

Lives at this hour, and throbs again unsought

When Silence broods, and Night's chill shadows fall;

Then Darkness' thousand pulses thrilled and stirred

With the dear grace of a remembered word;

And I was still, thy voice enshrouding me.

Like the strong sweep of ocean-breath the power

Of one resistless thought transformed my hour

Of love-dreams to a fear. All hopelessly

I knew love's impotence, and my despair

Stretched soul-hands forth, and quivered to a prayer.

My passionate heart cried out: "If his dear life

Through stress of keen temptation merits aught

Of penance or requital, be it wrought

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