A Woman's Love Letters
To swim with thee far out into the bay,

A trembling glitter on the waves, the shore

Glowing with noontide fervor, nevermore

To fear the treacherous depths, though long the way.

Sweet beyond words the sighs that breathe and blow,

The moist salt kisses, and the glad warm glow.

And when the unrest, the vague desires that rush

Over our lives and may not be denied,—

Gone in the tasting,—lure us where the tide

Of men sweeps on, let us forget the hush

Together, and in city madness drain

Our cup of pleasure to its dregs of pain.

Ever I need thee. Incomplete and poor

This life of mine. Yet never dream my soul

Craves the old peace. Till I may have the whole

[Pg 63]

My joy is my abiding, and what more

Of dreams and waking bliss the Fates allow

Comes as a gift of Love's great overflow.

[Pg 64]

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