In a storm of amorous godhead filled with fire, From the height of the heaven that was rent with the roar of his coming in sunder, Sprang the strong God on the spoil of his desire. And the pines of the hills were as green reeds shattered, 600 And their branches as buds of the soft spring scattered, And the west wind and east, and the sound of the south, Fell dumb at the blast of the north wind's mouth, At the cry of his coming out of heaven. [Pg 34] And the wild beasts quailed in the rifts and hollows Where hound nor clarion of huntsman follows, And the depths of the sea were aghast, and whitened, And the crowns of their waves were as flame that lightened, And the heart of the floods thereof was riven. [Ant. 2. But she knew not him coming for terror, she felt not her wrong that he wrought her, 610 When her locks as leaves were shed before his breath, And she heard not for terror his prayer, though the cry was a God's that besought her,