Dave obeyed instantly, and threw the door back so that it was wide open, though he seemed to be amazed at the strangeness of the order. "All right, Dave; close it," added Christy, when he saw there was no one in the passage; and he concluded that Mulgrum was not likely to be practising his vocation when there was no one in the cabin but himself and the steward. 69 Dave obeyed the order like a machine, and then renewed his gaze at the commander. 69 "Are you a Freemason, Dave?" asked Christy. "No, sir," replied the steward with a magnificent smile. "A Knight of Pythias, of Pythagoras, or anything of that sort?" "No, sir; nothing of the sort." "Then you can't keep a secret?" "Yes, sir, I can. If I have a secret to keep, I will give the whole Alabama River to any one that can get it out of me." Christy felt sure of his man without this protestation. 70 70 CHAPTER VI Christy spent some time in delivering a lecture on naval etiquette to his single auditor. Probably he was not the highest authority on the subject of his discourse; but he was sufficiently learned to meet the requirements of the present occasion. "You say you can keep a secret, Dave?" continued the commander. "I don't take any secrets to keep from everybody, Captain Passford; and I don't much like to carry them about with me," replied the steward, looking a little more grave than usual, though he still wore a cheerful smile. "Then you don't wish me to confide a secret to you?" "I don't say that, Captain Passford. I don't want any man's secrets, and I don't run after them, except for the good of the service. I was a slave once, but I know what I am working for 71 now. If you have a secret I