Flood Tide
creature who stood laughing on the threshold, the sight was so bewildering that it not only overwhelmed but intoxicated. 

 It was evident the visitor was unconscious of his presence, for instead of addressing him, she continued to toy with the wisp of animation snuggled against her cheek. 

 "I do believe, Willie," she observed, without glancing up, "that Jezebel grows more fascinating every time I see her." 

 Bob did not answer. He was in no mood to discuss Jezebel. If he thought of her at all it was to contrast her inky fur with the white throat against which she nestled and speculate as to whether she sensed what a thrice-blessed kitten she was. It did flash through his mind as he stood there that the two possessed a bewitching, irresistible something in common, a something he was at a loss to characterize. It did not matter, however, for he could not have defined even the simplest thing at the moment, and this attribute of the kitten's and the girl's was very complex. 

 Perhaps it was the silence that at last caused the visitor to raise her eyes and look at him inquiringly. Then he saw a tremor of surprise sweep over her, and a wave of crimson surge into her face. 

 "I beg your pardon," she gasped.  "I thought Willie was here." 

 "Mr. Spence has stepped over to the Eldredges'. I'm expecting him back every instant," Bob returned. 

 The girl's lashes fell. They were long and very beautiful as they lay in a fringe against her cheek, yet exquisite as they were he longed to see her eyes again. 

 "I'm Miss Morton's nephew from Indiana," the young man managed to stammer, feeling some explanation might bridge the gulf of embarrassment.  "I am visiting here." 


 Persistently she studied the toe of her shoe. If Bob had thought her appealing before, now, demure against the background of budding apple trees, with a shaft of sunlight on her hair, and the kitten cuddled against her breast, she put to rout the few intelligent ideas remaining to the young man. 

 Wonderingly, helplessly, he watched while she continued to caress the minute creature in her arms. 

 "Are you staying here long?" she asked at length, gaining courage to look up. 

 "I—eh—yes; that is—I hope so," Bob answered with sudden fervor. 

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