believe wot I've told you?" demanded the stoker haughtily. "You don't always lie, George," said the engineer, gently. "Wot made me shout out like that just now," he explained, "was treading on something queer, down by the near side wheels. Somethink brittle that cracked like rotten sticks under my 'eel, an' then I slid on something round an' squashy. An' the smell like roast apples, what I noticed before, is stronger than ever." "'Ave you a match about you?" asked the stoker eagerly. "One," said the engineer, delicately withdrawing a solitary "kindler" from the bottom of his waistcoat pocket. The stoker received the match, and struck it on his trousers. A blue glimmer resulted, a faint s-s-s! followed, and the match went out. "On'y a glim," said the stoker in a satisfied tone, "but it showed me as I've made my money. An' made it easy, too." "'Ow much 'ave you pulled orf, then?" asked the engineer. "Double the value," replied the stoker, smiling broadly through the darkness, "of the property what I've lost in this here conflagration." "That 'ud bring you in about eighteenpence," retorted the engineer bitterly. The stoker laughed pleasantly. "Wot do you say to three pun' seventeen?" he demanded. "Better than a poke in the eye with a burnt stick," said the engineer. "Wot did you say was the concern you invested in?" The stoker felt in the darkness for his superior's arm, grasped it, and putting his mouth close to where he thought his ear ought to be, said loudly: "A boy." "Look 'ere, mate," began the engineer, hotly, "if you're trying a joke on me——" "It ain't no joke," responded the stoker cheerfully. "Leastways not for the boy, it ain't. But Lord! when I think 'ow near I come to lettin' the policy fall through." He chuckled. "It's three weeks gone since I took it out," he said contentedly, "an' paid three weeks' money in advance, an' at threepence a week, that makes ninepence, an' the thought o' them nine half-pints I might 'ave 'ad out o' money 'as drove me 'arf wild with thirst, over an' over. I should 'ave 'ad to pay again come Monday, if only 'e 'ad