Transcriber’s note The use of é and è to indicate stresses is inconsistent in this text, as is the use of œ and æ ligatures. No changes have been made to the original. A transliteration of words and phrases in Greek is visible when the pointer is hovered over them. hovered over them MILTON’S COMUS WITH INTRODUCTION AND NOTES WITH INTRODUCTION AND NOTES BY WILLIAM BELL, M.A. PROFESSOR OF PHILOSOPHY AND LOGIC, GOVERNMENT COLLEGE, LAHORE BY WILLIAM BELL, M.A. PROFESSOR OF PHILOSOPHY AND LOGIC, GOVERNMENT COLLEGE, LAHORE London MACMILLAN AND CO AND NEW YORK 1891 [All rights reserved] MACMILLAN AND CO [All rights reserved] First Edition, 1890. Reprinted, 1891. CONTENTS. Introduction Comus Notes Index to the Notes