155 The Young Soap-boiler,160 The Young Soap-boiler 160 The Shoemaker's Secret,168 The Shoemaker's Secret 168 MODERN FABLES. Flat Tail the Beaver,177 Flat Tail the Beaver 177 The Mocking-bird's Singing-school,181 The Mocking-bird's Singing-school 181 The Bobolink and the Owl,185 The Bobolink and the Owl 185 Queer Stories. BOBBY AND THE KEY-HOLE. A Hoosier Fairy Tale. You think that folks in fine clothes are the only folks that ever see fairies, and that poor folks can't afford them. But in the days of the real old-fashioned "Green Jacket and White Owl's Feather" fairies, it was the poor boy carrying fagots to the cabin of his widowed mother who saw wonders of all sorts wrought by the little people; and it was the poor girl who had a fairy godmother. It must be