Alroy: The Prince of the Captivity
alone it sounded.’     

       ‘Where am I? This is not our fountain. Yet thou didst say, “the fountain.”        Think me not wild. I know thee, I know all. Thou art not Miriam. Thou art jabaster; I am Alroy. But thou didst say, “the fountain,” and it distracted me, and called back my memory to——     

       ‘God of Israel, lo, I kneel before thee! Here, in the solitude of wildest nature, my only witness here this holy man, I kneel and vow, Lord! I will do thy bidding. I am young, O God! and weak; but thou, Lord, art all-powerful! What God is like to thee? Doubt not my courage, Lord; and fill me with thy spirit! but remember, remember her, O Lord! remember Miriam. It is the only worldly thought I have, and it is pure.’     

       ‘Still of his sister! Calm thyself, my son.’     

       ‘Holy master, thou dost remember when I was thy pupil in this cavern. Thou hast not forgotten those days of tranquil study, those sweet, long wandering nights of sacred science! I was dutiful, and hung upon each accent of thy lore with the devotion that must spring from love.’     

       ‘I cannot weep, Alroy; but were it in my power, I would yield a tear of homage to the memory of those days.’     

       ‘How calmly have we sat on some high brow, and gazed upon the stars!’     

       ‘‘Tis very true, sweet child.’     

       ‘And if thou e’er didst chide me, ‘twas half in jest, and only for my silence.’     

       ‘What would he now infer? No matter, he grows calmer. How solemn is his visage in the moonlight! And yet not Solomon, upon his youthful throne, could look more beautiful.’     

       ‘I never told thee an untruth, Jabaster.’     

       ‘My life upon thy faith.’     

       ‘Fear not the pledge, and so believe me, on the mountain brow watching the starry heavens with thyself, I was not calmer than I feel, sir, now.’     

       ‘I do believe thee.’     

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