My Lady Caprice
 "Ar!" said Peter, "so 'elp me Sam!"  The kissing sound was repeated, and they walked on once more, only closer than ever now on account of the corduroy coat-sleeve. 

 "Those two are in love, you know," nodded the Imp.  "Peter says the cheese-cakes she makes are enough to drive any man into marrying her, whether he wants to or not, an' I heard Betty telling Jane that she adored Peter, 'cause he had so much soul! Why is it," he inquired, thoughtfully, as he watched the two out of sight, "why is it, Uncle Dick, that people in love always look so silly?" 

 "Do you think so?" I asked, as I paused to light my pipe. 

 "'Course I do!" returned the Imp; "what's any one got to put their arm round girls for, just as if they wanted holding up—I think it's awfull' silly!" 

 "Of course it is, Imp—your wisdom is unassailable—still, do you know, I can understand a man being foolish enough to do it—occasionally." 

 "But you never would, Uncle Dick?" 

 "Alas, Imp!" I said, shaking my head, "Fortune seems to preclude all chances of it." 

 "'Course you wouldn't," he exclaimed; "an' Ivanhoe wouldn't—" 

 "Ah, but he did!" I put in; "have you forgotten Rowena?" 

 "Oh!" cried the Imp dolefully, "do you really think he ever put his arm round her?" 

 "Sure of it," I nodded. The Imp seemed much cast down, and even shocked. 

 "But there was the Black Knight," he said, brightening suddenly—"Richard of the Lion Heart, you know—he never did!" 

 "Not while he was fighting, of course, but afterwards, if history is to be believed, he very frequently did; and we are all alike, Imp—everybody does sooner or later." 

 "But why? Why should any one want to put their arm round a girl, Uncle Dick?" 

 "For the simple reason that the girl is there to put it round, I suppose. And now, Imp, let us talk of fish." 

 Instinctively we had wandered towards the river, and now we stood to watch the broad, silver path made by the moon across the mystery of its waters. 

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