focused, for the groundcar swayed and jolted, but at last she was able to make brief identification. [Pg 10] "They're Martians, Nuwell," she said. "Can we drive over that way?" "You've seen Martians before," he said. "But I'd like to speak with them," she said. "I talk their language, you know." "Yes, I do know, darling, but that's utterly foolish. They're only animals, after all, and we have to get to Ultra Vires before night, if we can." He kept the groundcar on its course. Maya lapsed into disgruntled silence. Nuwell stole a sidelong glance at her, his breath catching slightly at the curve of the petite, perfectly feminine form beneath the loose Martian tunic and baggy trousers. He reached over and patted her hand. But Maya was offended. She kept her black head turned away from him, looking out of the groundcar dome across the desert. At their destination, Goat Hennessey peered eagerly into the distance, searching. This time, his watery blue eyes picked up two tiny figures on the horizon. He watched them as they approached, finally detailing themselves into two naked, pink creatures of manshape and only slightly more than mansize. "They made it," he muttered. "Both of them. Good!" He turned and entered the airlock. As soon as its air reached terrestrial density and composition, he removed his marshelmet. Goat rode the elevator to the ground level, left it and hurried down a corridor, reaching the outside airlock in time to admit the two figures. Adam entered first, easily confident, carrying his head like a king. Brute shambled behind him. "Everything go all right?" asked Goat, his voice quavering in his anxiety. "Fine, father," said Adam, smiling to reveal savage, even teeth.[Pg 11] [Pg 11]