The New Morning: Poems
[14]Sit with us at our hearth, and hear our story,


This world—we thought—might be transfigured then.

"But Oh," Love answered, with swift human tears,

"All these things have I done, these many years."


"This day," Love said, "if ye will hear my voice;

I mount and sing with birds in all your skies.

I am the soul that calls you to rejoice.

And every wayside flower is my disguise.

"Look closely. Are the wings too wide for pity?

Look closely. Do these tender hues betray?

How often have I sought my Holy City?

How often have ye turned your hearts away?

"Is there not healing in the beauty I bring you?

Am I not whispering in green leaves and rain,

Singing in all that woods and seas can sing you?

Look, once, on Love, and earth is heaven again.

"O, did your Spring but once a century waken,

The heaven of heavens for this would be forsaken."

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