My Darling whispered Bernard and he seiezed her in his arms we will be marrid next week. Oh Bernard muttered Ethel this is so sudden. No no cried Bernard and taking the bull by both horns he kissed her violently on her dainty face. My bride to be he murmered several times. [Pg 93] [Pg 93] Ethel trembled with joy as she heard the mistick words. Oh Bernard she said little did I ever dream of such as this and she suddenly fainted into his out stretched arms. Oh I say gasped Bernard and laying the dainty burden on the grass he dashed to the waters edge and got a cup full of the fragrant river to pour on his true loves pallid brow. She soon came to and looked up with a sickly smile Take me back to the Gaierty hotel she whispered faintly. With plesure my darling said Bernard I will just pack up our viands ere I unloose the boat. Ethel felt better after a few drops of champagne and began to tidy her hair while Bernard packed the remains of the food. Then arm in arm they tottered to the boat. I trust you have not got an illness my darling murmured Bernard as he helped her in. [Pg 94] [Pg 94] Oh no I am very strong said Ethel I fainted from joy she added to explain matters. Oh I see said Bernard handing her a cushon well some people do he added kindly and so saying they rowed down the dark stream now flowing silently beneath a golden moon. All was silent as the lovers glided home with joy in their hearts and radiunce on their faces only the sound of the mystearious water lapping against the frail vessel broke the monotony of the night. So I will end my chapter. [Pg 95] [Pg 95] CHAPTER 10