The Secret of the Creation
A High Praise

Some one is watching over the earth that is still; some one rules over the fringed hills.

O you wonders of life praise him who rules over our changing wills.

I watched those stars in the distances; there are some that falter and fall.

I see them glitter for an instant through the azure ways, and are not found at all.

Does the soul have need of things? Come, then, and ask of me.

I will tell you where the fallen stars are found—in the treasure of the prince of Galilee.

The brilliant stars of a billion lights are seen to fade and pass away, as they wander through the haze of gray.

Out of the darkness of the night into the light of day.

Who is that glittering above Eden's light, with the prayers of the saints scattering the night?

Changing the stars in their courses so bright; teaching the speeding sun to shed his light.

Whatever the soul desires that shall it ask of me. I, who arose from the dead on Calvary.

Holding the earth in its place aright; ruling the seas with his powerful might.

O you transcities on the hills of white; for thee changing the time into days and nights.

If the soul shall cry, the prince shall hear the Lord whose high spirit is always near.

He cares for you as a father would; as a chickadee in the garden protects her brood.[Pg 37]

[Pg 37]

Who is he that holds creation in its perfect mood?

He is almighty, yet you can help him; you can if you would.

What does your work profit? Why labor as one great? Does the Lord have need of you?

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