[Pg xx] IV LIST OF REPRESENTATIVE SHORT-STORIES 1. Aldrich: Marjorie Daw. 2. Quite So. 3. Andrews: Amici. 4. The Glory of the Commonplace. 5. A Good Samaritan. 6. Bunner: "As One Having Authority." 7. Love in Old Cloathes. 8. Bunner and Matthews: Documents in the Case. 9. Cable: Posson Jone. 10. Child: The Man in the Shadow. 11. Clemens: Jumping Frog. 12. Cobb: To the Editor of the Sun. 13. Colcord: The Game of Life and Death. 14. Davis, R. H.: The Bar Sinister. 15. Gallegher. 16. The Lion and the Unicorn. 17. Doyle: The Red-Headed League. 18. A Scandal in Bohemia. 19. The Striped Chest. 20. Through the Veil. 21. Garland: The Return of a Private. 22. Gerould: On the Staircase. 23. Hale: The Man without a Country. [Pg xxii] Aldrich Quite So. Andrews The Glory of the Commonplace. A Good Samaritan. Bunner Love in Old Cloathes. Bunner and Matthews Cable Child Clemens Cobb Colcord Davis, R. H.