The plage of vengeaunce shall not cessed be Wherefore ye brederne full of abusyon Take ye good hede to this dyscrypcyon Come nowe to me and axe forgyuenes And be penytente and haue it douteles Augustinus. Non potest male mori qui bene vixit et vix bene moritur quimale vixit. Who in this worlde lyueth well and ryghtwysly Sall deye well by ryght good knowlegynge Who in this worlde lyueth yll and wrongfully Shall hardly scape to haue good endynge I do graunte mercy but no tyme enlongynge Wherfore good brederne whyles that ye haue space Amend your lyfe and come vnto my grace || My wordes my prelates vnto you do preche For to conuerte you from your wretchednes But lytell auaylleth you nowe for to teche The worlde hathe cast you in such blyndnes Lyke vnto stones your hertes hathe hardnes That my swete wordes may not reconsyle