Wo worthe your grete vnkyndenes to me [A.vi.] Wo worthe your hertes withouten pyte Wo worthe your falshode and your doublenesse Wo worthe also your corrupte Iugement Wo worthe delyte in worldely rychesse Wo worthe bebate without extynguyshment Wo worthe your wordes so moche impacyent Wo worthe you vnto whome I dyde bote And wo worthe you that tere me at the rote Blessyd be ye that loue humylyte Blessyd be ye that loue trouthe and pacyence Blessyd be ye folowynge werkes of equyte Blessyd be ye that loue well abstynence Blessyd be ye vyrgyns of excellence Blessyd be ye which loue well vertue Blessyd be ye whiche do the worlde eschue Blessyd be ye that heuenly Ioye do loue Blessyd be ye in vertuous gouernaunce Blessyd be ye whiche do pleasures reproue