Who wyll in it his lyfe in tyme well spende Shall Ioye attayne after inestymable For in the worlde he must fyrst condyscende. To take grete payne as his power wyll extende Agaynst the worlde the flesshe and the deuyll By my grete grace for to withstande theyr euyll For who can be a gretter fole than he That spendeth his tyme to hym vncertayne For a breuyat pleasure of worldly vanyte Than after that to haue eternall payne Who of the worlde delyteth and is fayne Shall after sorowe and cry ve ve In an other worlde quante sunt tenebre Who is wyser than he that wyll applye In the worlde to take payne by due dylygence After shorte payne to come to grete glorye Whiche is eterne moost hye of excellence Where he shall se my grete magnyfycence [A.vii.] With many aungelles whiche for theyr solace