For lacke of conforte / my herte is almost spent O meruelous fortune / which hast ĩ loue me brought Where is my conforte / that I so longe haue sought O wonderfull loue / whiche fell vnto my lotte O loue ryght clene / without ony thought vntrue Syth thy fyrst louynge / not blemyssed with spotte But euermore / the falseshede to extue O dolorous payne / whiche doste renue O pyteous herte / where is the helthe and boote Of thy lady / that perst the at the roote What thynge is loue / that causeth suche turment From whens cometh it / me thynke it is good questyõ Yf it be nature / from nature it is sent Loue maye come of kynde by true affeccyon Loue may appetyte / by naturall eleccyon Than must loue nedes be / I perceyue it in mynde A thynge fyrst gyuen / by the god of kynde Alas o nature / why mayst not thou truely Cause my lady loue / as thou hast me constrayned Hath she power to domyne the vtterly