Agreynge well / vnto my bokes all In dyuers placys / I se it in generall O loue moost dere / o loue nere to my harte O gentyll floure / I wolde you knewe my wo Now that your beaute / perst me with the darte With your vertue / and your mekenes also Sythens ye so dyde / it is ryght longe ago My herte doth se you / it is for you bebledde Myne eyen with teeres / ben often made full redde Where are ye now / the floure of Ioye and grace Whiche myght me conforte / in this inwarde sorowe Myne excellent lady / it is a ryght pyteous case Good be my guyde / and saynt George vnto borowe O clere Aurora / the sterre of the morowe Whiche many yeres / with thy bemes mery Hath me awaked / to se thyne emyspery B.i. Thus as I mourned / I sawe than appere Th Thre goodly myrours dependaunt on the wall