The cõforte of louersThe Comfort of Lovers
The seconde myrour / as bryght as phebus

Set rounde about / with stones precyous

 Ouer whiche dyde hãge / a floure of golde ryght fyne

Wherin was set / an emeraude full bryght

Ryght large and grete / whiche wõderfull dyde shyne

That me thought it was / grete conforte to my syght

Bordred with dyamondes / castỹge a meruaylous lyght

This floure dyde hange / by a ryght subtyll gynne

With a chayne of yron / and many a pryue pynne

 Besyde whiche there was / a table of golde

With a goodly scrypture / enameled of grene

The sentence wherof / I dyde well beholde

The whiche sayd thus / it is openly sene

That many a one / full pryuely dooth wene

To blynde an other / by crafte and subtylnes

That ofte blyndeth hym / for all his doublenes


 In this myrour whiche is here besyde

Thou shalt well lerne / they selfe for to knowe

Passe forth no ferder / but loke and abyde

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