Madame sayd I / thoughe myn eyes se her not Made dymme wt wepynde / & with grete wo togyder Yet dooth myn herte / at this tyme I wote Her excellent beaute / ryght inwardly concyder Good fortune I trust / hath now brought me hyder To se your mekenes / whiche doth her rapyre Whose swete conforte / dooth kepe me fro dyspayre. || ¶ Pucell. Of late I sawe a boke of your makynge Called the pastyme of pleasure / whiche is wõderous erous For I thynge and you had not ben in louynge uy Ye coude neuer haue made it so sentencyous us I redde there all your passage daungerous Wherfore I wene for the fayre ladyes sake That ye dyd loue / ye dyde that boke so make ¶ Amour.