Ryght longe ago / your beaute sodanly Entred my mynde / and hath not syth dekayde With feruent loue / moost wofully arayde C.iiii. ¶ Pucell. And is it I / that is cause of your loue A yf it so be I can not helpe your payne y It sholde be harde / to gete to your aboue Me for to loue / I dyde not you constrayne ye knowe what I am / I knowe not you certayne y I am as past your loue to specyfy Why wyll ye loue where is no remedy ¶ Amour. A madame you are cause of my languysshe ye maye me helpe / yf that it to you please To haue my purpose / my herte dooth not menysshe Thoughe I was seke / ye knewe not my dysease