fancied that a faint note of irony lurked in his words—particularly as he recited my late master's titles. I kept silence.[Pg 31] [Pg 31] "And yesterday were dismissed," he continued easily, disregarding my astonishment. "Well, to-day you shall be reinstated—and rewarded. Your business here, I believe, was to recover her Majesty's dog, and earn the reward?" I remembered that the wretch whose fingermarks were still on my throat might be within hearing, and I tried to utter a denial. He waved it aside politely. "Just so," he said. "But I know your mind, better than you do yourself. Well, the dog is in that closet; and on two conditions it is at your service." Amazed before, I stared at him now, in a stupor of astonishment. "You are surprised?" he said. "Yet the case is of the simplest. We stole the dog, and now have our reasons for restoring it; but we cannot do so without incurring suspicion. You, on the other hand, who are known to the Bishop, and did not steal it, may safely restore it. I need not say that we divide the reward; that is one of the two conditions." "And the other?" I stammered. "That you refresh your memory as to the past," he answered lightly. "If I have the tale rightly, you saw a man convey a dog to this house, an empty house in the Montmartre Faubourg. You watched, and saw the man leave, and followed him; he took the alarm, fled, and dropped in his flight the dog's coat. I think I see it there. On[Pg 32] that you hurried with the coat to Monseigneur, and gave him the address of the house, and——" [Pg 32] "And the dog!" I exclaimed. "No. Let Monseigneur come and find the dog for himself," he answered, smiling. "In the closet." I felt the blood tingle through all my limbs. "But if he comes, and does not find it?" I cried. The stranger shrugged his shoulders. "He will find it," he said coolly. And slightly raising his voice, he called "Flore! Flore!" For answer a dog whined behind a door, and scratched the panels, and whined again. The stranger nodded, and his eyes sparkled as if he were pleased. "There," he said, "you have it. It is there and will be there. And I think that is all. Only